Monthly Archive for November, 2013

Premiere Double Feature

I just finished work on two theatre productions at the Theatre Aachen.The first premiere was “Mario und der Zauberer”based on the book by Thomas Mann and directed by Stefan Rogge.I´m playing live on stage (guitars and different percussion instruments).It´s a great theatre evening,so don´t miss it.Theatre Aachen


Photo by Marie-Luise Manthei

My next premiere was “Die kleine Hexe”,this years family piece.It´s based on the book by Otfried Preussler and directed by Dora Schneider.It´s great fun for kids and grown-ups.Theatre Aachen

ec_dd3e88c82b6758768ab52767d1d12e8b Photo by Marie-Luise Manthei

Here´s one of the tracks I composed…..
